Friday Favorites
Happy Friday!!
You guys there is so much I need to tell you about! It has been a very busy week for me over here, I have been working so hard and collaborating with one of my favorite southern cousine restaurants Mangeons.. Stay tuned for more info!

As for my Friday Favorites....
#1 ILIA - Super Serum Skin Tint SPF 40 - Ok so, I have never been super into make up but I have been wanting to try this brand for so long and finally I gave in and ordered this! You guys... It's amazing.. Perfect coverage, super moisturizing, and for me super easy to apply. I ordered the #6 color.

ILIA - True Skin Serum Concealer - Also purchased this to go with the serum.. AGAIN so so good.

#2 J A M E S - Needed a hair refresh with my favorite sister-in-law!

#4 Turkey Disguise- How cute is this Turkey Desguised behind a soccer ball! Oh how I love kindergarten projects 😍

#5 Favorite Candle - This one smells so delicious and lasts forever!

#6 Book- The Housemaid - G download this, rent it from your local library or buy it... It is so brilliant! Recommend 10/10!

#7 Girls Day- Both of the kids had dentist on Tuesday. Eva had it in the middle of the day to where I just took her out of school and let her miss the last couple of hours of school to do some girly things.
Of course we went a got her favorite.. Subway and then Hobbylobby.

Thats it for now friends, I hope you have a great Friday!