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Thirsty Thursday

Thirsty Thursday: Our Family's Daily Drinks Delight

It's Thirsty Thursday, and I am here to share the fabulous drinks that keep our family energized, refreshed, and ready to tackle each day.

From the morning pick-me-up to the evening chill-out, i've got something for everyone. So grab your favorite glass and join me on this delightful drink journey!

Morning Motivation: Coffee ☕️

In our household, mornings begin with the smell of freshly brewed coffee. Justin and I are both very much into straight up black coffee, sometimes I will add a little Trader Joe's Vanilla Creamer.

Midday Boost: Brew Dr. Kombucha 

As the day progresses, we often reach for a bottle of Brew Dr. Kombucha. This fermented tea is a family favorite, thanks to its refreshing taste and so many health benefits.

Brew Dr. offers a variety of flavors, but our favorites include...

Clear Mind- a blend of rosemary, peppermint, sage, and green tea that helps her stay focused and calm. Superberry- packed with antioxidant-rich berries for a delicious and health-boosting treat. Island Mango- a tropical twist that's both tangy and sweet.

Kombucha is a great alternative to sugary sodas, providing probiotics that support gut health while keeping us refreshed and revitalized.

Evening Wind Down: San Pellegrino Mineral Water

This sparkling mineral water is our evening go-to and we make sure out fridge is always stocked up. Note, We always opt out for the glass bottles, it takes us right back to Europe.

Cheers to Our Daily Favorites

I hope our Thirsty Thursday roundup inspires you to explore and enjoy these fantastic drinks with your family. Cheers to staying refreshed, energized, and hydrated every day!

Feel free to share your family's favorite drinks and routines in the comments below.

I'd love to hear what keeps you refreshed and energized throughout the day!


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